Eurhodip News
In view of the current situation of armed conflict and humanitarian emergency in Ukraine, the Executive Board unanimously approved, in an extraordinary meeting held on March, 24, this declaration, in the following terms: The Executive Board expresses great concern...
Newsletter June
MADRID2020, June 5thDear friends,Sadly, the Coronavirus pandemic has made us suffer. We have lost friends and loved ones. We make memory and silence for all of them.But this Association, through its EB, has not stopped working. We have held Councils and...
Creative Teacher Competition
Dear EURHODIP member,We would like to improve the current situation to award the creativity of your teachers running a new competition.The aim of this competition is to acknowledge the creative teaching carried out by Eurhodip member school’s teachers,...
In Memory of Robert Minasyan
Մադրիդ 15 մայիսի, 2020թ․Ռոբերտ Մինասյանի ՀիշատակինՍիրելի Ռոբերտ, որ հանգչում ես դրախտում,EURHODIP-ում ավելի քան 30 տարի լինելով, երբեք չեմ անհանգստացել իմ գործընկերների հոգևոր և քաղաքական պատկանելիությամբ։ Կարևորն ինձ համար եղել է այն սերը, որ մարդիկ...
Newsletter May to the Students, Prescribers of the Future
MADRID1st of May of 2020Dear Students:You are the prescribers of the future in the world. Our chimney-free industry, threatened by the pandemic, tourism and hospitality, needs you well prepared.We must define and build together a new era that is born from...
Newsletter April – The infinite minded leader
In this letter, Mr. Lezama, President of Eurhodip will share his vision of an infinite minded leader
#Stayhome #Restezchezvous #Quedateencasa
MADRID2020, March 16thDear friendsFrom EURHODIP, we wanted to send you a message full of affection in these difficult times.I imagine that many of you will read to me from your homes, transformed into a place of life, work, and leisure, with the children...
Newsletter March – Welcome Spring
MADRID4th of March of 2020Dear Friends:On the eve of the spring of 2020 I address all EURHODIP schools and universities with the joy of seeing the work our executive team bear fruits. The results are clear: more institutions adhering and pending admission,...
Newsletter February
WASHINGTON D.C.4th of February 2020Dear Friends:I still have a pleasant taste from my visit to the Hotelfachschule Heidelberg last January, where I had the opportunity to see the evolution of this magnificent institution since my first visit 20 years ago...
Happy Holidays & Happy New Year
MADRID, December 2019Dear colleagues and friends,I never thought that we were going to strengthen the bonds of friendship by belonging to an association of a global nature like ours. However, I am surprised by the messages I receive of congratulation and...